Happy Monday from Movement! January 29, 2018 by Movement Two Gymnastics Warm-ups! Balance beam highlights!
What’s Your Favorite Xmas Carol? December 13, 2017 by Movement Two Our MII family enjoys singing along to “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” their favorite part in this Christmas carol is the “…five golden rings.” Sabine is our newest edition amongst the Movement II class, as you can see she is fitting in just fine.
Santa Clause came to town! December 7, 2017 by Movement Two Wishing you all peace, love and joy! Happy Holidays everyone! -xo MII
On Thursdays, We Go To Arts Alive! November 30, 2017 by Movement Two Our Movement II Family cannot get enough of Arts Alive! Today we took a trip to Grandpa’s farm.
LET’S GO ASTROS!!! October 26, 2017 by Movement Two Our friend Thomas is in full Astros gear showing his love and support for Houston’s finest! LET’S GO ‘STROS!!!