Working Hard September 12, 2017 by Movement One Hello! Today the children have been working our hammering lesson. This lesson is a great way for children to observe and manipulate cause and effect.
Hooray for New Friends! September 8, 2017 by Movement One Happy Friday! We would like to welcome four new friends to Movement I. They have enjoyed their first week exploring their new classroom and making new friends. Let’s give a warm welcome to Emma, Mary, Mollie, and Jake!
I’m 1! September 7, 2017 by Movement One Happy Birthday to our friend Annie! Thank you for sharing special treats with us.
Cubby Reminder! August 31, 2017 by Movement One Just a quick friendly reminder – You are welcome to bring pictures to help decorate your child’s cubby. Thank you!
Putting Dishes Away August 29, 2017 by Movement One Good Afternoon! Our children love helping pick up their area after breakfast time. They have been working hard carrying their items to the sink.