Happy St. Patrick’s day!
The leprechaun sent us on a scavenger hunt for a special snack of Lucky Charms. They sure were tasty. Thank you, Tierney for sharing glow in the dark bracelets with us. We appreciate your generosity.
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by Kindergarten
by Kindergarten
Just a reminder that we do not have extra curricular activities this week. The new soccer shots semester will begin March 22. If you are interested in signing your child up for this class please see the front desk for more information.
Wear green on Thursday, March 17 to celebrate St. Patrick’s day. ?
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by Kindergarten
by Kindergarten
This morning we reviewed sight words and had a lesson with sight word sentences. Sight words are important for children to learn. They will help your child expand their reading skills and reading fluency. Here’s a website you can go to that will allow your child to practice recognition and reading of sight words, primarygames.com . Let me know if you give it a try and how it’s working for your child.
Tomorrow is jump bunch class and arts alive. Tennis shoes are the safest shoes for these classes.
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by Kindergarten