Aaron Carrara, Business Development Manager for Metropolitan Montessori Schools, led a delegation of ten Texas early childhood advocates to attend the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s Public Policy Forum in Washington D.C. on February 26-28, 2017. The forum provided state teams an opportunity to advance federal and state early childhood policy while exploring policy options aimed at helping advance the early childhood profession.
Participants soaked in a full day of expert policy briefings, skill-building sessions, and interactive breakouts – all revolving around early education policy. The event was capped off with state teams heading to Capitol Hill to meet with United States Representatives and Senators. Aaron and his team met with a number of Texas Congressmen, including Representative Pete Olson, Senator Ted Cruz’s office and John Cornyn’s office to discuss federal funding for early childhood education, tax policy, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) & more.
Cathedral House Kindergarten students created a variety of beautiful artwork that Aaron left in the Congressional offices he visited. The artwork was received on Capitol Hill with heartfelt smiles and thanks from all!
Great job Kindergarteners!