As many of you know, our beloved Ms. Lupe is retiring after 23 years. Her hard work and dedication has been evident throughout the years. We are going to miss her as the face of our school. To celebrate her time with us, we gave her a retirement lunch with the staff and parents to say our goodbyes and surprise her with gifts from all of the classes. We can only hope she will stop by and visit us in the years to come. Thank you so much for your continued desire to provide the best in what we do and we hope you will have an enjoyable retirement!!
2012 Summer Olympics
This month’s theme is ‘The Amazing Race”. We have been practicing team building activities and sportsmanship to prepare for the Olympic games. We have had lots of outdoor activities that got our muscles moving and warm. The 2012 Summer Olympics will begin with the opening ceremony this Friday and the games will continue for a few weeks in August. If you have the opportunity to watch the Summer Olympics, it may spark some interest with our theme!!
Happy Father’s Day
Career Opportunities
The quality of an early childhood education program is directly tied to the quality and longevity of its staff. With this in mind, Cathedral House and Metropolitan Montessori Schools (MMS) believe in hiring knowledgeable, committed early childhood professionals. We are certain that each employee’s tenure with MMS will be an enriching experience that is enhanced by professional growth and success and offer a wage and benefits package that is among the best in the industry. Our child-staff ratios are better than most and our incentives, organizational culture and benefits have made Metropolitan Montessori Schools one of Houston’s most respected early education organizations to work for.
MMS values individual diversity and is an equal opportunity employer. This means that each individual is treated on the basis of his or her own merit without regard to race, color, age, sex, national origin, handicap or veteran status. Click here to view our commitment to diversity.
MMS is always interested in meeting new individuals for potential employment opportunities – even when we do not have any available positions. If you are a unique and dynamic individual who has a passion for working with children and families and are interested in joining the MMS team, please contact Teri Jackson at or fill out our contact form here.
MMS Celebrates 26 years
Cathedral House is pleased to announce that May 23, 2012 marks the 26th year of operating success for Metropolitan Montessori Schools!! With schools in the downtown area as well as on the Rice University campus, the MMS team has nurtured, developed and educated Houston’s young children throughout the years. Cathedral House was established in 1986 in cooperation with Christ Church Cathedral and Rice Children’s Campus opened in the Fall of 2008. We look forward to celebrating many more years to come!! Happy 26th MMS!!