Today we are celebrating Earth Day!! It is important to teach our children about the influence we have on the limited resources from our planet. Some of the ways to raise awareness include picking up trash on the playground, recycling garbage at home, or planting a tree!!
Parents Night Out
Week of the Young Child
Help us celebrate the Week of the Young Child!! The WOYC is a celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) that focuses on the needs of young children, their families, and early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. We will be having special activities throughout the week of April 15-19th!! Parents are invited to sign up to be guest readers, share a family tradition, or spend time in the class with their child.
A Bug’s Life
Our Toddler II class took advantage of the last week in March to look for bugs on the playground with their binoculars!! The children have been learning about different insects, their body parts, what they like to eat, and where they live all month so this activity allowed them to see some of the insects first hand. What a great way to further emphasis this month’s theme, “A Bug’s Life”!!
Daylight Savings Time
It’s that time of year again! Daylight Savings Time is scheduled for this Sunday, March 10th. Please remember to set your clocks ahead one hour!
PLEASE NOTE: Getting an extra hour of daylight in the evening is sometimes a hard adjustment for children. Their bodies and minds need a couple of weeks to adjust to the darker mornings and lighter evenings. It is harder to get them to sleep at their usual bedtimes until they become accustomed to this change. Keeping routines consistent can be very helpful for both you and your child.