We hope everyone got a chance to eat some muffins and spend a little extra time with your children this morning. From all of us at Cathedral House Episcopal School, we want to wish you a very “Happy Mother’s Day” and hope that Sunday is a special day for each and every one of you!
Houston Astros Opening Day
It’s Opening Day for the Houston Astros as they kick off their 2015 season with a SOLD OUT game at 3:00 PM and festivities lasting until 4:30 PM outside of the gates. For those familiar with the baseball games, you are aware that traffic builds up on Texas Avenue and affects your ability to arrive at school by closing at 6:00 pm. The following are the home games scheduled for April, please plan accordingly so that your arrival and departure will be safe and timely.
Wednesday, April 8 — 7:10 PM
Tuesday, April 14 — 7:10 PM
Thursday, April 9 — 1:10 PM
Wednesday, April 15 — 7:10 PM
Monday, April 13 — 7:10 PM
Thursday, April 17 — 7:10 PM
Thursday, April 30 — 7:10 PM
Daylight Savings Time
It’s that time of year again! Daylight Savings Time is scheduled for this Sunday, March 8th. Please remember to set your clocks ahead one hour!
PLEASE NOTE: Getting an extra hour of daylight in the evening is sometimes a hard adjustment for children. Their bodies and minds need a couple of weeks to adjust to the darker mornings and lighter evenings. It is harder to get them to sleep at their usual bedtimes until they become accustomed to this change. Keeping routines consistent can be very helpful for both you and your child.
Mounted Patrol Visit
Guess who came by to visit us today? Houston’s very own Mounted Patrol unit! The children were given the opportunity to feed and pet the horse if they were so inclined. Some of them were even brave enough to take individual pictures with them. Take a look at our Primary and Kindergarten group pictures!
We want to thank the Mounted Patrol for coming to the school and spending time with us today! For more information about the unit in Houston, visit the website.
CHES Teachers Share Knowledge and Passion for Montessori
On Saturday, our lead teachers along with those from our sister school Rice Children’s Campus, hosted a training for Early Childhood professionals in Houston. They have been preparing fun sensory lessons over the past few weeks and truly shined as they shared the activities the children at our school have the opportunity to use on a daily basis!