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Hi there!! What a lovely day it turned out to be! During circle time this morning, the children were introduced to the concept of heavy and light. And as future scientists we also categorized items in the classroom that the children considered heavy or light.
Later we had tons of fun playing movement games with balloons.
Wednesday, April 13,2016
Today we read the book What’s in that Egg? By Becky Baines. We learned there are many types of eggs and many animals that hatch from eggs. Do you know what animal lays the largest egg and which animal lays the smallest egg? We learned that an ostrich lays the largest egg and the hummingbird lays the smallest egg. We wondered what size egg an elephant would lay if they could.
This afternoon we had fun playing Picture Bingo!
April 13,2016
Hello everyone! As the rain drizzled silently down this morning, we thought it would be the perfect time to read the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. After the children heard the story, we watched a short video clip of the lifecycle of a butterfly. It was fascinating!!
The children also had lots of fun building their fine motor skills as they worked on their tissue paper butterflies.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016
This morning for Week of the Young Child we made bracelets for one another. Not only did each child pick a name to give a bracelet to, but they had to say something kind about them too. Here are a few things that were said about one another. “ I love your laugh.” “You help me get up sometimes when I fall.” “He’s awesome!” “ Your sweet.” “You play with me.” Tomorrow we will celebrate Family. Wear purple.
Tomorrow is also jumbunch class and Arts Alive. Tennis shoes are the safest shoes for these classes.
Tuesday, April 12,2016
Today we read the book He Bear She Bear by Stan and Jan Berenstain about all the different things we can be. We asked the children what they would like to be, some of the answers we got were: astronaut, ballerina, fireman, teacher, superhero, princess, mommy and daddy.
During our playtime the children had fun blowing bubbles. They had fun blowing as many bubbles as they wanted and chasing bubbles all around the playground.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY and THANK YOU to our friend Sophie Yao in Primary II for sharing delicious cookies for her birthday with us today.