During Jumpbunch class the children enjoyed a game of beanbag toss. They used some creative ways to drop their bag into their bucket.
April 20, 2016
Good Afternoon! Did you know that circles have no sides and no corners! Well here is what the children had to say about circles.
· A circle goes around and around.-Emma
· A circle is a shape -Tate
· A circle is like a tire -Sadie
· A circle is like a letter -Ava
· You can make a circle with your hands -Cate
We then explored a bit as we found creative ways to work with circles. During outdoor play time we played ring around the rosie. The best part of course was…We all fall DOWN!!!
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Did you know our Earth is made up of land, air, and water and that a globe is a model of our Earth?
We worked with the sandpaper globe and reviewed some of the facts we have learned about our Earth. We reviewed the correct name for the “land” on our Earth is continents and the “water” is oceans.
We are discussing the Earth and the ways we can help it. We will be reading books that have information on what we can do to the help our Earth. Earth Day is this Friday and the children are excited to discover how they can help our Earth.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Welcome back! We are glad to see everyone safe and dry.
The children were very excited to be back and play with their friends. The children were very eager to report on all the things they had seen on television about the weather and high water. We have lots of budding news reporters in our class.
Soccer shots was cancelled today, classes will resume next Tuesday.