Happy Tuesday!! This morning the children continued to work on building their fine motor skills. The younger group worked on perforation. While the older children worked on cutting out a classification worksheet, that focused on seasonal changes.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
On circle we reviewed the object and shape shadow card matching lesson and introduced a new shadow matching lesson. We matched small objects like a paperclip, key ring, safety pin, popsicle stick, clothes pin, etc. to their shadow . The children enjoyed exploring the objects we matched.
A big “thank-you” to everyone who has brought in books to share with the class. The children are always excited to listen to all the wonderful books.
Congratulations to all our Soccer Shot Stars! The children who participate in Soccer Shots received a medal and certificate from their coaches on a job well done all semester.
monday, May 9, 2016
May 9, 2016
Monday, May 9, 2016
Welcome back, we hope everyone had a great weekend!
The children enjoyed sharing the fun things they did for their moms this weekend, some friends gave flowers and plants, took mom to the park, bought a phone, and gave a very sharp glass.
On circle we worked with the shape shadow and object matching card lesson in the sensorial area. We matched picture cards of objects to the shape shadow card it matched. Did you know the crescent shape looks like the moon? We learned that the correct name for the “moon” shape is crescent and that an octagon has eight sides.