It’s Wednesday Everyone!!
Today the children had a lesson on wet pouring which is found in the Practical Life area. This lesson builds concentration, independence, co-ordination, muscle control for writing and so much more.
by toddlertwo
by Primary One
Did you know a hexagon has six sides? Today we worked in the sensorial area with the constructive triangle boxes. We reviewed the triangle box and introduced the small hexagon box. We counted the sides of the hexagon box and discovered that it had six sides. We also constructed a small hexagon, an equilateral triangle, a rhombus, and a parallelogram using the triangles in the box.
We continued to work with the alphabet flash cards during our circle time. The children are doing a great job practicing the names and sounds of each letter.
Reminder: Tomorrow is Jumpbunch and Arts Alive!
by Primary Two
Today we had our last soccer shots session. But not too worry there will be another. It was nice to see the parents who were able to get away from work to watch their children play. At the end of class Coach Brendan And Coach Francisco passed out certificates and medals for the hard work and participation.
by Kindergarten
Today was our last soccer shots for the spring semester. Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy if you were unable to come watch the soccer shots demo.
by toddlertwo
Happy Tuesday!! This morning the children continued to work on building their fine motor skills. The younger group worked on perforation. While the older children worked on cutting out a classification worksheet, that focused on seasonal changes.