Today the girls had a lovely dance recital. Ms. Courtney was very encouraging and the parents were very pleased to see their little princesses do such an amazing job. We would like to thank everyone for coming out. Enjoy your Memorial weekend!!!
Friday, May 27, 2016
Today we reviewed the facts we learned about the needs of a seed and the lifecycle of a seed. We reviewed the three things a seed need to grow are air, water, and light. When a seed is planted it will grow into whatever type of seed you planted (i.e. an orange seed will grow into an orange tree). A seed first grows roots than a shoot will grow into a seedling, then a plant that has buds that will bloom into flowers that sometimes will give us fruits.
We are saying goodbye to three of our friends Paige, Anna, and Ivan. We are sad to see them leave but wish them the very best in their new adventures that await them.
Coffee lesson
Today our class had a lesson on grinding coffee beans. I let each child have a go at trying to grind so they could see how tough grinding the beans could be. We also enjoyed the smell of the beans as they were being grounded. Now the children will have the choice if they would like to grind a small bag beans of to take home for their parents to enjoy.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Today was a fun filled event with Anabelle’s birthday celebration, Tierney sharing ice cream and a make-up music class.
Friday is Graduation day. Please remember to park in the parking garage and bring in your ticket for validation.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Today we reviewed the names of the parts of the flower. We worked with the flower nomenclature lesson yesterday and reviewed the lesson today. The children are doing a great job remembering the names and what the parts of the flower are.
The children had fun playing an animal guessing game during our circle time. We read the book What Am I? by Iza Trapani which gave us clues about different types of animals.
This afternoon we are having a make-up class for music. The children are excited to see who Mr. Jason will bring along to visit with them.