This morning in VBS the children learned about Jamaica and the winter Olympics. . They played fun games like Bob sled races, had snowball fights and even went ice skating. The children filled snack packages for other children who may not have much food in their pantry to eat. They also added a special card that they personalized to go in each package. Tomorrow will be the last day of VBS.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
On circle we continued to work with the seed matching lesson. We reviewed the names of the seeds and plants.
Did you know that seeds come in all shapes and sizes? We looked at the seed cards we have been learning about and discovered that they were all shapes and sizes.
It’s not to late to register your child for the summer extracurricular activities. Stop by the front desk for information on registration forms.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
This morning during VBS the children played games and did crafts from Vietnam. Some even tried the fruit named, Dragon fruit. Ask your child if they tasted it.