Happy Friday!!
Today the children worked on a special project in affiliation with the Christ Church Cathedral, which focused on reminding us to be at peace with each other and love one another as we love our selves. Have a great weekend.
by toddlertwo
by Primary One
We had a fun Friday as we played games that helped with our balancing, concentration, and listening skills.
The children walked around the Earth on our rug while they balanced a dragonfly on their finger and then chose a friend to take a turn. We also played a listening game. The children wore a blindfold while trying to guess the friend that whispered their name.
A big Thank-you! To Claire’s parents who joined us for Splash. The children had a great time getting them wet!
by Kindergarten
by toddlertwo
by Kindergarten
Hello parents. This morning we had our monthly fire drill, the children did an excellent job following all safety rules during this procedure.
This morning during jumpbunch the kids played a game of badminton which they all enjoyed hitting the birdie to one another.
Today we had arts alive and they used their imagination with horse happening. The children galloped around with their imaginary horses. This is a good gross and fine motor skill for them.
Today is Cooper’s last day at CHES. We like to Thank Cooper for sharing donut holes with the class and donuts with the teachers. We will miss you!
Tomorrow is Friday, don’t forget to wear your splash gear.
Joshua’s last day is tomorrow, for lunch Joshua will bring pizza for the class to enjoy.