Hello Everyone!!
We hope you are all cheering Go Team USA!!! In the classroom the children had a review lesson on the parts of the plant. We then did a simple craft activity that reinforced the concept of roots, stem, leaves, flower.
by toddlertwo
by Kindergarten
This morning we continued working with lessons that help support our theme for August. The children worked with the 3 part cards for Garden Tools. They had a lot to share about the garden tools at their houses too.
Tomorrow we will have a special visit from a couple of Officers. They will be here around 10:00 to talk to the children about their job.
Jumpbunch and Arts Alive is tomorrow. Tennis shoes are the safest shoes for this class.
by Kindergarten
Last week was our last soccer shots class. The children did miss attending this class today. Please be on the look- out for the fall registration.
No dance class this week. The fall semester will begin soon.
Yes, it is hot outside! The children don’t mind though. They are still just as active on the playground. For the safety of the children we have shortened playtime by a few minutes.
Friday, Aug. 12 the Kindergarten class will be having Chick-fil-A for lunch. This special lunch will be hosted by Jackson Varnado and family. Please let us know if your child may not have this due to allergy reasons.
Please help was wish Ms. Michelle a wonderful transition into the Nursery 1 classroom. We sure enjoyed her presence in the kindergarten class.
This Friday is Jackson’s, Evan’s and Caelan’s last day at CHES. We will enjoy every bit of time we have left with you. Will you be bringing a special item for your child’s last day at CHES? If so, please let a teacher know so we can help with this if needed.
Please help us send a special thank you to Ms. Jaelynn. She will be leaving for college soon. We enjoyed her help in the Kindergarten class this summer.
by Kindergarten
by toddlertwo
Happy Friday!!
Today marks the opening day for the 2016 Olympics hosted in Rio Brazil. This morning the children participated in their very own Olympic opening day celebration. Catherine ran through the playground carrying the Olympic torch that symbolizes the start of the games. Then the other children followed behind waving their flags representing some of the countries that will be seen in this year’s Olympics.