Welcome to the Toddler 2 Olympics!! The athletes participated in events such as the color shot put, 100m dash, the balance beam, long jump and cycling. All the children had a great time and learned a valuable lesson about good sportsmanship. See you soon!!!
Leaf Crumbling
Rainy Day Fun!
Movement II Goes To Rio
Who will be the next Simone Biles or Michael Phelps?
Tuesday, aug. 16, 2016
This morning we had busy bees working in the classroom. They were working with counting money, story problems, matching garden tools, reading sentences, rhyming, etc. Ask your child what lessons they worked with today.
There will be a menu change for Thursday. The kindergarten children will have pizza for lunch. This lunch will be hosted by Kyle Platt and family.
Friday is our last splash day for the summer. We will keep our fingers crossed that the weather will hold out for us to enjoy one more splash time.