We would like to welcome our new friends Archer, Warner, Sally and Wyatt to our class!
Friday, September 9, 2016
We worked in the practical life area with the water transfer lesson today. The children worked on their skills in order, concentration, coordination, and independence to transfer water from one side of a bowl to the other.
The school will be having Speech and Language Screenings on Tuesday, September 20, 2016. There is a handout on your child’s cubby with more information.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our friend Davis who turns three years old today. A big thank-you to him and his family for sharing yummy donuts with our class!
Look who turned one!
See You Later Gator!
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Today was a terrific Thursday!
We had two of the children’s favorite activities: Jumpbunch and Arts Alive.
Coach Leon brought in foam pucks and styrofoam cylinders for us to play balancing games. The children had lots of fun! This afternoon we have Arts Alive class. The children always have a great time with the adventures Ms. Maddie has planned for us.