Happy Wednesday!
We hope everyone is having a wonderful week thus far. This morning Smith and Joanna worked together as a team with the Knobbed Cylinder Blocks. This lesson builds a visual awareness of discriminating sizes and dimensions.
by toddlertwo
by Primary Two
Sung to the tune “Frere Jacques”
This is North, this is North
This is East, this is East
This is South, this is South
This is West, this is West
Little tid bits we gave were that the north star used to help explorers long before we had GPS or maps, the east is where the sun rises, the south is where birds flock for the winter and the west is where the sun sets.
We are learned this song to help reinforce the learning of directions. Tomorrow the class will be introduced to the compass rose.
by Kindergarten
This morning during Yoga the children practiced their Yoga moves. Although some of these moves require a lot of balance the children are doing well with them.
Since this is Alexandra’s birthday week she was honored during chapel this morning with a special prayer and a special guest (her dad). She also shared 5 coins to place in the birthday bank. We were so happy to be part of this special event.
Are you ready for some Pumpkin Patch fun? I know some of the children are. This exciting event begins at 4:30. All children attending must be accompanied by a parent.
Tomorrow is Jumpbunch and Arts Alive. Tennis shoes are the safest shoes for these classes.
by Primary One
Did you know that a compass helps to show us which way to go?
On circle we learned about the compass. We showed the children a toy compass, a compass on a phone, and a compass on a map(called a compass rose). We showed the children how their bodies could become a compass( head is north, feet are south, right arm is west, and left arm is east).
Did you know that today is the day that Christopher Columbus reached new land on his voyage? The children worked on a Christopher Columbus worksheet, with which we helped him on his voyage to discover new land. The children were excited to discover a compass rose on the worksheet.
Reminder: Pumpkin Patch is tomorrow 4:00p.m.- 6:00p.m.
by Movement Two